Intel & Insights
We’re Getting Ripped off! Hedge Yourself ..
In the UK we know about getting ripped off. And now it's confirmed by the below! See the price of a Starbucks coffee globally ... Inflation has caused a sharp increase in the price all products around the world, not just coffee. In the UK it seems we get clobbered...
Investment Mistakes, Easily Avoided
When investing, if all you do is get average returns (historical stockmarket average is 8-10% pa) and avoid common mistakes, your portfolio will compound very handsomely over the long term. If you try to shoot the lights out with every investment you make, you'll also...
Easy Ways to Make Gains; Low Hanging Fruit
Making great returns can be hard or super simple – which do you prefer? 😊 In fact, you can make £ tens of thousands - before your investments even start working for you. How? By evaluating how your existing investments and pensions are doing and knowing the fees...
False Beliefs are Costly
Here’s a very short article about misconceptions. Have you ever held a belief which proved to be untrue? I used to believe the Great Wall of China was visible from space until my kids debunked that myth! Another common myth is that stock-markets are risky or...
Shares BENEFIT from inflation – how you can too
We should think of shares as a hedge against our ever-rising cost of living. Remember, as a shareholder, you are PART-OWNER of a company. From when inflation started to accelerate in 2020, the S&P 500 in the US gained 56%, whilst Global Equities rose 41%. That...
3 Strategies for Solid Income Whilst Awaiting a Market Recovery
All bear markets have different causes. But they have one thing in common: a total and complete recovery - every single time. Before rebounding to even higher levels. You don't need to wait for a rebound before jumping in. Right now, my investors and I are...
Managing Uncertainty – Central Banks v Investors
Dealing with Uncertainty & Volatility Morgan Housel, author of the best-seller “The Psychology of Money” (a highly recommended read) described Volatility as “The price of admission: the prize inside is superior long-term returns. You have to pay the price to get...
Amazing fact about Global Equities (you’ll be surprised)
Global equities have seen a remarkable upturn with 15%+ gains over the last two months alone. This followed the prior sell-off related to economic uncertainty. Whilst those fears are still alive, equities have enjoyed a mini bull-market of late. That doesn't...
Volatility and Permanent Loss
Defaults in the property development sector have shone a fresh light on the need to de-risk with good due diligence and having awareness of marketing tricks used on investors. This article provides guidance on how investors can de-risk opportunities. Before that,...
Why Markets are Selling-off and How to Play it …
** Your Capital is at Risk ** This is not investment advice. Markets have been in correction mode, particularly since the start of April. I wanted to update investors with my thoughts along with any potential action points - together with what I'm personally...