Investing can be rewarding. Not just financially, but also intellectually as it makes our brain work differently and stops it getting lazy. Anyone can set-up a Core portfolio – a lazy, set-and-forget exercise! We can stop there and it will compound passively,...
The chart below caught my eye this week. It summarises why you need to own REAL assets (defined below) … It shows that over 30 years, the real value of cash declined by 52%, whilst the real value of stocks appreciated 681%. The chart uses US data (US dollar...
Take the next step to secure lasting diversification and financial stability for you and your family. The sooner you take action the better because: Diversification = Protection of your wealth Being more passive means your money works for you rather than you for it...
Most people think the outcome from investing is only related to the ups and downs in the market. Of course there’s a relationship (just as well, because markets tend to rise 7-8 times out of 10) – but there are many ways to invest without worrying about...