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Investment Intel – in the Community


Investing can be rewarding.  Not just financially, but also intellectually as it makes our brain work differently and stops it getting lazy.

Anyone can set-up a Core portfolio – a lazy, set-and-forget exercise!  We can stop there and it will compound passively, very nicely.

But if we get more active, we can optionally invest in “Satellites” which involve some thinking! (or other people’s thinking, eg a Community).

Satellites involve thinking about what’s happening in the world, technology trends, climate change, ageing etc.  To play these themes we need specialist ETFs and stocks, some of which could generate huge returns.

Stimulate your Brain with Options 

Options are not only financially rewarding, but also intellectually stimulating.

One of my recent attendees described Options as a satisfying workout for her brain!  She’s an interior designer and has done very well in options.

Investing is a great leveller.  You don’t have to be Warren Buffett to be a successful investor.  In fact, it’s the only activity I know where a complete beginner can outperform an experienced investor.

The one thing you need is the right initial set-up for your Core. 

For Satellites, we need additional insights: either our own or gained from a community of other experienced investors.


Our Community … 

For me, a personal benefit of running the Investment Academy is the smart group of past graduates in our private community – always keen to share valuable intel on investments, themes and options.

(past graduates are automatically members of our community)

This week the community’s focus was Nvidia, which some of the members have been involved in for a while.

Something I personally learnt this week:  a particular type of Nvidia’s Ai chips sells for $40,000 – that’s just one chip!  Meta (owner of Facebook) is expected to buy $14bn worth in one order!

Is Nvidia a good investment here?

I have no strong view if Nvidia has more to run (my group is warming up to other competitors such as AMD).

But one thing is for sure: unlike the dot com bubble, many of today’s tech and Ai companies are REAL companies generating real profits.

Today is not just a speculative/hope bubble like 1999.  Just look at the chart below showing Nvidia’s path of profits …

Investing is a real activity that owns real companies that make real profits.   Which is why proper investing has never lost money.

Conversely, trading is just following squiggly lines, stop-losses, ‘signals’ etc. Which is why 70%+ of traders lose money.

Important note to finish:

Don’t just buy the S&P500.  Nor just invest in Tech (or Nvidia).  That’s all too easy and has ‘recency bias’.

Be sure to be properly DIVERSIFIED across different markets and sectors.  Easily done with set-and-forget tracker funds and ETFs.

You can learn all this and be part of our community.

Our next Investment Academy starts on 18th March – perfect timing for the tax year-end to maximise your allowances for this tax year.

Click Here for Further Info

Always Remember:

  • Time in the Markets always beats timing the markets
  • Stay Diversified 
  • Minimise those leakages:  Fees, Inflation, and Taxes
  • Financial Markets are a great source of recurring income  
  • ETFs, Balanced Funds and Options achieve all the above
  • Being educated helps you outperform 99% of the population


… to ensure your investments work for YOUR financial freedom (not someone else’s)     


And … 

For more guidance, our Investment Academy will help you implement all of this in a step-by-step way.   

Thousands of people have learnt how to diversify and pound-cost-average into low-cost, set-and-forget ETFs & Funds for inflation-beating growth.  And Options to create recurring income.

Click here to learn about our Investment Academy


Finally …

– Don’t take the above as advice as it may not apply to you personally

– Your Capital is at Risk

– You may not be covered by the FSCS

– Anything mentioned in a podcast or in a previous article was valid at that time and may not continue to be now          

Stockmarket Investment Academy … Step-by-Step Training to Diversify your Wealth and Create Passive Compounding in the Markets (click image below for details …)

About Me

Manish Kataria is a Fund Manager. A CFA-qualified professional with 18 years’ experience in investment management and UK property. He has managed investment portfolios for JPMorgan and other blue chip investment houses. Asset classes managed include Equities, ETFs, Bonds, Funds and Options. Within property, he invests in and owns a range of assets including developments, HMOs, BTLs and serviced accommodation. InvestLikeAPro was set up so anyone can invest like a pro.

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