Set-&-Forget Investing in ETFs & Options  

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Can you manage your money better?



Do You Need a Financial Adviser? … Can you manage your money better?

+ Portfolio Review service + Listen to my discussion on this

The last 20 years have been transformational for the investment industry.

Power has shifted from the providers of investments to individual investors.

The biggest innovation behind this shift is the emergence of ETFs and index-tracking funds.

Not that long ago, it was tricky to invest in a ready-made diversified portfolio of shares.   You needed an expensive IFA to set up your accounts who then created a version of a “discretionary diversified portfolio” on your behalf.  Or, they might appoint a discretionary fund manager to do that – layering on additional fees.

Now, with the expansion of ETFs and index-trackers, we can do all this ourselves with just a few clicks.  Making it significantly cheaper – with much better returns.

Did you know that over 80% of professional fund managers underperform ? ….

Here’s evidence of widespread poor performance when we pay people to manage portfolios for us.

And read this to see the devasting impact of fees on your financial well-being.

So .. if those we pay to manage our money are doing a bad job AND they charge premium fees, we must question why we continue with them …

Reasons to use advisers and managers

To be clear, advisers can be great for non-investment matters if …

  1. You have more complex planning needs (inheritance, trusts, family wealth etc)
  2. You have more complex tax planning needs (requires additional structuring)
  3. You are in retirement or approaching it

Remember, you can still use an adviser to help with the above non-investment stuff but do the investing yourself (for low costs and higher returns)

Reasons to easily manage your own investments:

If your focus is to build your assets and income in an effective way, with lower costs that won’t erode your future financial security, standard ETFs and tracker funds provide an easy higher-return set-and-forget way to compound your capital.

Have your existing portfolio reviewed …

If you have any part of your money being managed by an IFA, wealth manager, or a work pension scheme, we now offer a Portfolio Review service where we evaluate your fees and returns so you know how they stack up.

This service costs £149 (launch price) and it will make you fully aware of your returns and fees.

If you have interest, please send an email to my assistant Vanessa at with the subject line Portfolio Review and she will get the ball rolling.

Listen to my discussion on this topic …

Listen to my conversation with Kevin Whelan of Wealthbuilders on the topic of having your money managed by Financial Advisers …

Listen on Spotify

Listen on Apple

Always Remember:

  • Time in the Markets always beats timing the markets
  • Stay Diversified 
  • Minimise those leakages:  Fees, Inflation, and Taxes
  • Financial Markets are a great source of recurring income  
  • ETFs, Balanced Funds and Options achieve all the above
  • Being educated helps you outperform 99% of the population


… to ensure your investments work for YOUR financial freedom (not someone else’s)     


And … 

For more guidance, our Investment Academy will help you implement all of this in a step-by-step way.   

Thousands of people have learnt how to diversify and pound-cost-average into low-cost, set-and-forget ETFs & Funds for inflation-beating growth.  And Options to create recurring income.

Click here to learn about our Investment Academy


Finally …

– Don’t take the above as advice as it may not apply to you personally

– Your Capital is at Risk

– You may not be covered by the FSCS

– Anything mentioned in a podcast or in a previous article was valid at that time and may not continue to be now          

Stockmarket Investment Academy … Step-by-Step Training to Diversify your Wealth and Create Passive Compounding in the Markets (click image below for details …)

About Me

Manish Kataria is a Fund Manager. A CFA-qualified professional with 18 years’ experience in investment management and UK property. He has managed investment portfolios for JPMorgan and other blue chip investment houses. Asset classes managed include Equities, ETFs, Bonds, Funds and Options. Within property, he invests in and owns a range of assets including developments, HMOs, BTLs and serviced accommodation. InvestLikeAPro was set up so anyone can invest like a pro.

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