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Investment Lessons from Tesco

Investment Lessons from Tesco

This week, Tesco released its annual profits. The announcement itself didn’t make me rush to buy Tesco shares but revealed two lessons that are fundamental to investing. Lesson 1:  Understand the REAL inflation rate  Long-standing followers of my commentary will...
Use it or Lose it

Use it or Lose it

Taxes are one of three major leakages from our wealth – the other two being fees and inflation. Read my piece on how to reduce fees and this one on turning inflation to our advantage. Any time we allow a leakage to persist, we’re actively allowing money...
How Stocks & Property Go Together Perfectly

How Stocks & Property Go Together Perfectly

Diversification is the initial building block I learnt in my first job in the investment industry. Not only is it necessary for a properly set-up portfolio, it’s the holy grail of investing. Why?  Because diversification cuts overall risk and enhances returns...
The Rule of 100: Does it Still Make Sense?

The Rule of 100: Does it Still Make Sense?

The Rule of 100 is widely used by IFAs or Wealth Managers (WM) as a way to invest your money.  As illustrated in the graphic below, it goes like this … Subtract your age from 100 That gives the % of your portfolio to have in Stocks (shares) The remaining %...
Why you need to own REAL assets – in One Chart …

Why you need to own REAL assets – in One Chart …

The chart below caught my eye this week.   It summarises why you need to own REAL assets (defined below) … It shows that over 30 years, the real value of cash declined by 52%, whilst the real value of stocks appreciated 681%. The chart uses US data (US dollar...