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How Stocks & Property Go Together Perfectly

How Stocks & Property Go Together Perfectly

Diversification is the initial building block I learnt in my first job in the investment industry. Not only is it necessary for a properly set-up portfolio, it’s the holy grail of investing. Why?  Because diversification cuts overall risk and enhances returns...
The Rule of 100: Does it Still Make Sense?

The Rule of 100: Does it Still Make Sense?

The Rule of 100 is widely used by IFAs or Wealth Managers (WM) as a way to invest your money.  As illustrated in the graphic below, it goes like this … Subtract your age from 100 That gives the % of your portfolio to have in Stocks (shares) The remaining %...
Why you need to own REAL assets – in One Chart …

Why you need to own REAL assets – in One Chart …

The chart below caught my eye this week.   It summarises why you need to own REAL assets (defined below) … It shows that over 30 years, the real value of cash declined by 52%, whilst the real value of stocks appreciated 681%. The chart uses US data (US dollar...
More Aha insights for you …

More Aha insights for you …

Today I’ve gathered a few of my most popular articles that are a MUST READ.  They’re historical but pretty timeless so will make sense anytime. Click the titles below to access.  See you there.   1: Turning Inflation to Your Advantage Discovering...