** Your Capital is at Risk ** This is not investment advice. Markets have been in correction mode, particularly since the start of April. I wanted to update investors with my thoughts along with any potential action points – together with what I’m...
Long-standing readers will be aware of my views on inflation – i.e. how the official data is a joke. Back when inflation was running at 2%-odd, I suggested baking in 7%. With the official rate now reaching that level I still don’t believe it! I’d...
THE COST OF FEES – it’s Devastating In this article, we cover Leakage #2 – Investment Fees. Plugging this hole is fairly easy and will have a HUGE beneficial impact for you and your family … Don’t keep paying away your wealth to others. ...
Warren Buffett says “The stockmarket is a device for transferring wealth from the impatient to the patient”. It sounds strange but sell-offs enable positive returns. Without the occasional sell-off, everyone would invest all their money at once, meaning...
2021 proved to be some year, with strong returns across popular asset classes. Very few people would have expected these kind of returns, particularly after a reasonably strong 2020 too … The risk...