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Volatility v Permanent Loss

Volatility v Permanent Loss

A common mistake is to confuse volatility with permanent loss.  Stockmarkets see volatility all the time but have never experienced a permanent loss.  Investment Risk can be explained in different ways.  A classic measure of risk is VOLATILITY – i.e. how much the...


Super-Compounding sounds like a grand concept, right?.  I promise it’s super-simple.  All you need are the 3 steps I’ve laid out below.  When all 3 are used together the result is massively powerful – You will not believe how your wealth will...
Penny Pinching, Pound Foolish

Penny Pinching, Pound Foolish

It never ceases to amaze me how enthusiastic Martin Lewis (MoneySavingExpert guy) gets about saving 50p at Greggs … or the latest bargain at Lidl.  Don’t get me wrong, I like Lidl (keep that to yourself) but there are far bigger, life-changing...