Set-&-Forget Investing in ETFs & Options  

Get your Actionable Step-by-Step Guide 👇🏼

Key Insights: ETFs & Options Workshop


My recent workshop was popular, with high interest and attendance.

We covered new thought-provoking content, inviting lots of questions.  One attendee said it will forever change the way they think about investing!

If you found it beneficial, you will gain 100x value in the Investment Academy.

Key Points from the Workshop:

  • How to diversify into more passive assets – eg if you’re too concentrated in Property or Cash
  • How HMRC can effectively pay your mortgage + create a surplus
  • How to reach passive financial freedom quicker than you’d imagine
  • How investing is NOT complex – we have a super-simple 5-step framework to invest in ETFs, Funds and Options
  • How to earn income with Options.  I did a live demo of options trades that immediately earned up to 3% in income
  • How to save tens of thousands in fees by simply moving to lower-cost platforms and pensions
  • How HMRC pays YOU when investing in a pension, including SSAS and SIPPs

Options for Income

We did demos of live options trades on our Options Platform showing the actual income available in the market right now – with the exact steps to execute the strategy.


The replay is well worth watching for all the nuggets. Get the Recording Here

Our Investment Academy has helped 100s of people like you to build a set-and-forget growth and income machine.  

More Info – Investment Academy

Step-by-Step LIVE training to create your Diversified, Low-Cost, Inflation-Beating, Growth and Income Portfolio with ETFs and Options

Popular with property and business owners seeking to diversify income and wealth with hassle-free growth and low-tax income. For SSAS, SIPP, ISA & Cash investors

Investment Academy – Pro-Grade Content includes:

  • Low-cost ETFs and funds – selecting using Pro-tools
  • Platform selection and DD for Pensions and ISAs
  • Options-investing to create a regular income stream
  • Pro-grade Company and Stock analysis
  • High-dividend stock selection – including REITs
  • Tax-efficient investing via SSAS, SIPPs, ISAs
  • Fee-efficient investing – save £,000s every single year
  • Due Diligence on Loan opportunities
  • Lifetime ongoing support in private Facebook group

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you might work until you die” … 
Warren Buffett

FAQs on the Investment Academy …

– I’ll be away for some of the course.  Will the classes be recorded for catch-up?

Every live class and module is recorded and can be accessed anytime for easy catch-up.

– Can my SSAS pay for the training? (Or Ltd Company)

Yes. Many attendees in our previous programme had the cost paid for by their SSAS. The easiest thing is to initially pay using your own credit card and then provide a Recharge Invoice to your SSAS administrator who can arrange for the SSAS to reimburse you (we will provide you a Recharge Invoice template). Alternatively, many attendees have paid via their Ltd company.

– After completing the programme what ongoing support is there?

We have a private Facebook group for past and present attendees only. This is an active group where you can ask for guidance on any of the training elements or other investment related issues.

You also qualify for a 1-1 private coaching session on any topic(s) as pert of the bonus package (shown above)

– Is there other content apart from financial markets?

We have an entire module on property-related loans and P2P platforms – how to select safer opportunities by using our due diligence framework and avoiding the red flags (more info in the email copied below)

– Can I ask questions before booking?

Yes of course. If you have any questions, book a 15-min call to learn if the programme is right for you.

Investment Academy Programme – What You’ll Learn …

Format: Online Live classes (All classes recorded for catch-up if you miss any)

What you’ll learn on the Investment Academy

  • How to correctly invest in: Shares, ETFs, Funds, Options … passively and with low complexity and maintenance
  • How to minimise fees in low-cost ETFs
  • How to select the best, cost-efficient Platforms
  • My Option Strategy and process used for passive income
  • Selecting higher dividend-yielding stocks
  • How to shelter your gains and dividends via tax-efficient wrappers such as ISAs, SIPPs and SSAS
  • The inside track on how the pros generate returns and, more importantly, what they never do
  • Investors come away fully equipped with professional-grade tools and techniques to identify shares and ETFs with the best returns v risk
  • Bonus Module: Due Diligence on Secured Loans – Selecting SECURE deals, identifying red flags
  • Learn strategies that benefit from incredible compounding to secure your long-term financial future
  • Discover ways to protect your portfolio from inflation – and beat it
  • Live demos on finding the right ETFs, Funds, Shares and Options
  • Understand how to identify and minimise hidden fees in funds and platforms
  • You’ll come away a confident investor without ever needing a financial advisor – hence saving yourself £ thousands in unnecessary fees
  • The programme provides all the knowledge and tools you’ll need for a lifetime of successful investing – exactly replicating the strategies used by Manish himself.
  • The full programme is delivered by professional fund manager, Manish Kataria
  • Full live support for your strategy throughout the programme
  • Access to private Facebook group with lifetime support beyond the 6 weeks


– The above is NOT advice

– Your Capital is at Risk

– You may not be covered by the FSCS

– Anything mentioned in a podcast or in a previous article was valid at that time and may not continue to be now

Always Remember:

  • Time in the Markets always beats timing the markets
  • Stay Diversified 
  • Minimise those leakages:  Fees, Inflation, and Taxes
  • Financial Markets are a great source of recurring income  
  • ETFs, Balanced Funds and Options achieve all the above
  • Being educated helps you outperform 99% of the population

… to ensure your investments work for YOUR financial freedom (not someone else’s)     

Stockmarket Investment Academy … Step-by-Step Training to Diversify your Wealth and Create Passive Compounding in the Markets (click image below for details …)

About Me

Manish Kataria is a Fund Manager. A CFA-qualified professional with 18 years’ experience in investment management and UK property. He has managed investment portfolios for JPMorgan and other blue chip investment houses. Asset classes managed include Equities, ETFs, Bonds, Funds and Options. Within property, he invests in and owns a range of assets including developments, HMOs, BTLs and serviced accommodation. InvestLikeAPro was set up so anyone can invest like a pro.

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