Taxes are one of three major leakages from our wealth – the other two being fees and inflation. Read my piece on how to reduce fees and this one on turning inflation to our advantage. Any time we allow a leakage to persist, we’re actively allowing money...
Today I’ve gathered a few of my most popular articles that are a MUST READ. They’re historical but pretty timeless so will make sense anytime. Click the titles below to access. See you there. 1: Turning Inflation to Your Advantage Discovering...
Uncertainty is a known unknown. This is true of health, relationships, life in general, investing, and global events such as conflicts. First and foremost, it goes without saying that a discussion about markets is secondary to the loss of life during such conflicts....
Super-Compounding sounds like a grand concept, right?. I promise it’s super-simple. All you need are the 3 steps I’ve laid out below. When all 3 are used together the result is massively powerful – You will not believe how your wealth will...
Headlines like the above are commonplace in both traditional and social media. Commentators and “gurus” also try to create their own stories and predictions. No wonder investors are often confused and uncertain. The reality of investing is far simpler,...