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What Are The Markets Telling Us ?

What Are The Markets Telling Us ?

4th June 2020 Markets have continued to extend their rally, alongside improving sentiment across most asset classes including stocks, property and secured loans. This improved sentiment has been met with surprise by many. ** Your Capital is at Risk **    This is not...
Investing in the Coronavirus Crisis

Investing in the Coronavirus Crisis

          23rd March 2020 We are living in truly unprecedented times.  Over the last few days and weeks I’ve had a number of conversations with investors, borrowers and lending partners – about equity markets, property and, of...
Secured Loans v Property v Stocks

Secured Loans v Property v Stocks

This article appeared in the February 2020 issue of Property Investor News.  To receive a sample copy visit                                   4 February 2020  As a professional investor, I’m often asked about where to invest.   I enjoy...