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Key Insights: ETFs & Options Workshop

Key Insights: ETFs & Options Workshop

My recent workshop was popular, with high interest and attendance. We covered new thought-provoking content, inviting lots of questions.  One attendee said it will forever change the way they think about investing! If you found it beneficial, you will gain 100x value...
Here’s how Returns in a Bad Year look …

Here’s how Returns in a Bad Year look …

2023 was supposed to have been a bad year … The narrative consistently scared people off investing (as it always does). Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, is one of the chief scaremongers.  Remember, he has predicted 17 of the last 2 crashes! Now the...
Useful Reads, Listens & Viewings for the holidays …

Useful Reads, Listens & Viewings for the holidays …

I always aim to demystify investing. If some of my messages have managed to do that, half my work is done. I look forward to creating more insights and tools next year to clarify and, perhaps, inspire your investment strategy. Holiday Reads, Listens and Viewings...