When investing, if all you do is get average returns (historical stockmarket average is 8-10% pa) and avoid common mistakes, your portfolio will compound very handsomely over the long term. If you try to shoot the lights out with every investment you make,...
Uncertainty is a known unknown. This is true of health, relationships, life in general, investing, and global events such as conflicts. First and foremost, it goes without saying that a discussion about markets is secondary to the loss of life during such conflicts....
Most people think the outcome from investing is only related to the ups and downs in the market.  Of course there’s a relationship (just as well, because markets tend to rise 7-8 times out of 10) – but there are many ways to invest without worrying about...
A common mistake is to confuse volatility with permanent loss. Stockmarkets see volatility all the time but have never experienced a permanent loss. Investment Risk can be explained in different ways. A classic measure of risk is VOLATILITY – i.e. how much the...
Over 80% of attendees attending our Investment Academy are property investors wanting to learn how to diversify properly. On Day-1 they get an asset allocation tool to test how diversified their assets are. At that moment, it becomes clear about the need to be more...