Set-&-Forget Investing in ETFs & Options  

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Welcome to the InvestLikeAPro Podcast!


Welcome to the InvestLikeAPro Podcast!

I’m Manish Kataria. My goal is to demystify the financial markets and showcase how simple investing in shares, ETFs, and options can be for anyone seeking financial security.

In the inaugural episode of the Invest Like a Pro podcast, I break down how to invest in financial markets, emphasizing diversification and long-term growth through shares, ETFs, and options.

Drawing from my over 20 years in professional investment management, I’ll cover common investing mistakes, the importance of avoiding high fees, and how to build a diversified set-and-forget portfolio that generates recurring income and beats inflation.

I’ll debunk the myth of investing ‘secrets’ and demonstrate the simplicity and effectiveness of a well-structured investment strategy.



Introduction to Diversified Investing

Investing isn’t about chasing the next big secret; it’s about adopting proven strategies that lead to inflation-beating growth and wealth creation. This blog post will guide you on how to diversify effectively, set up a robust portfolio, and avoid common pitfalls that many novice investors make.

The Foundations of Investing

The journey to successful investing starts with a solid foundation. Here’s what you need to consider:

  1. Diversification: Spread your investments across different asset classes to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.
  2. Risk Profile: Understand your tolerance for risk and ensure your investments align with it.
  3. Objectives: Clearly define your capital and income objectives.
  4. Long-term Investment: Focus on investing, not trading. Trading can often lead to losses, whereas long-term investment allows for the magic of compounding.

Setting up this foundation is crucial before moving on to selecting individual stocks or funds.

Building Your Core Portfolio

Once your foundations are set, the next step is constructing your core portfolio. Think of this as building the structure of a house, including the walls, roof, and essential utilities.

  1. Core Investments: Diversified funds and ETFs should make up 75-80% of your portfolio. These should match your risk profile and provide steady growth.
  2. Cost Efficiency: Opt for low-cost funds to keep more of your returns.
  3. Income Streams: Consider investments that can generate recurring income, such as dividends, options, and REITs.

A well-constructed core portfolio ensures robust, long-term performance, even in volatile markets.

Adding Satellites: The Finishing Touches

After solidifying your core, you can add satellite investments. These are akin to the decorative elements of a house—the flashy lights and finishing touches:

  1. Individual Stocks: Carefully selected based on research and market trends.
  2. High-Risk Assets: Small portions of your portfolio can be allocated to commodities, REITs, or even cryptocurrencies.
  3. Themes and Trends: Investments that align with broader market or economic trends.

Satellites should only constitute 20-25% of your portfolio, serving as the icing on the cake rather than the main ingredient.

The Importance of Avoiding Investment Pitfalls

Many investors make the mistake of diving into the market without a strategy, resulting in a mishmash of unrelated stocks and missed opportunities. Here are a few common pitfalls to avoid:

  1. High Fees: Managed funds and wealth managers often come with high fees, reducing your net returns.
  2. Poor Diversification: Overweighting in one asset class, like property or cash, can lead to imbalanced portfolios.
  3. Market Timing: Trying to time the market usually leads to losses. It’s all about being invested and allowing your portfolio to grow over time.

The Set and Forget Strategy

A well-diversified and structured portfolio allows for a “set and forget” approach. This means you can enjoy:

  1. Passive Income: Through dividends, options, and other income-generating investments.
  2. Inflation-Beating Growth: A portfolio designed to grow faster than inflation.
  3. Low Costs and Taxes: By choosing the right platforms and leveraging tax-efficient accounts.
  4. Compounding: The power of reinvesting returns to exponentially grow your wealth.


Investing doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful. With a solid foundation and a well-structured core portfolio, you can achieve financial security and grow your wealth passively over time. Remember, it’s not about having investment secrets—it’s about following time-tested strategies and maintaining discipline.

Stay tuned for more insights and detailed discussions on specific investment strategies in future blog posts and podcast episodes.

Happy investing, and see you next time!

Stockmarket Investment Academy … Step-by-Step Training to Diversify your Wealth and Create Passive Compounding in the Markets (click image below for details …)

About Me

Manish Kataria is a Fund Manager. A CFA-qualified professional with 18 years’ experience in investment management and UK property. He has managed investment portfolios for JPMorgan and other blue chip investment houses. Asset classes managed include Equities, ETFs, Bonds, Funds and Options. Within property, he invests in and owns a range of assets including developments, HMOs, BTLs and serviced accommodation. InvestLikeAPro was set up so anyone can invest like a pro.

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