Two weeks ago, the market experienced a bout of turbulence (see chart below). Early August turbulence … Global equity ETF in 2024: up to 16th August It now seems like a non-event but the media and headlines were sensationalist, as you’d expect. That...
You might have noticed an election is imminent. The outcome looks pretty certain but the challenges for any party are the same. And the policy scope is severely limited by our public finances. All parties want to fix things but in reality there’s a massive...
Do You Need a Financial Adviser? … Can you manage your money better? + Portfolio Review service + Listen to my discussion on this The last 20 years have been transformational for the investment industry. Power has shifted from the providers...
Taxes are one of three major leakages from our wealth – the other two being fees and inflation. Read my piece on how to reduce fees and this one on turning inflation to our advantage. Any time we allow a leakage to persist, we’re actively allowing money...
The Rule of 100 is widely used by IFAs or Wealth Managers (WM) as a way to invest your money. As illustrated in the graphic below, it goes like this … Subtract your age from 100 That gives the % of your portfolio to have in Stocks (shares) The remaining %...