Rate Cuts and Stocks … Yesterday was a historic day in the investment world. Jerome Powell, head of the US central bank, announced: “The time has come” … a moment investors around the world had waited a long time for. This was a clear signal...
Sales don’t come around too often – unless of course you shop at DFS or Sports Direct! Stocks tend to gain value 70-80% of the time and decline for the rest. Overall, and on average, they return 8-12% pa. So stockmarket sales are always an opportunity to...
Do You Need a Financial Adviser? … Can you manage your money better? + Portfolio Review service + Listen to my discussion on this The last 20 years have been transformational for the investment industry. Power has shifted from the providers...
Taxes are one of three major leakages from our wealth – the other two being fees and inflation. Read my piece on how to reduce fees and this one on turning inflation to our advantage. Any time we allow a leakage to persist, we’re actively allowing money...
Diversification is the initial building block I learnt in my first job in the investment industry. Not only is it necessary for a properly set-up portfolio, it’s the holy grail of investing. Why? Because diversification cuts overall risk and enhances returns...