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Election: Good News for Tax-Free Compounding …

Election: Good News for Tax-Free Compounding …

The election campaign has been pretty dull so far, but this week brought unexpected good news on pensions. I’m surprised there wasn’t more excitement around this.  It will have a huge impact on many. In summary, Rachel Reeves – our next Chancellor in...
Use it or Lose it

Use it or Lose it

Taxes are one of three major leakages from our wealth – the other two being fees and inflation. Read my piece on how to reduce fees and this one on turning inflation to our advantage. Any time we allow a leakage to persist, we’re actively allowing money...
More Aha insights for you …

More Aha insights for you …

Today I’ve gathered a few of my most popular articles that are a MUST READ.  They’re historical but pretty timeless so will make sense anytime. Click the titles below to access.  See you there.   1: Turning Inflation to Your Advantage Discovering...
Historical Market Reaction To Conflicts

Historical Market Reaction To Conflicts

Uncertainty is a known unknown.  This is true of health, relationships, life in general, investing, and global events such as conflicts.  First and foremost, it goes without saying that a discussion about markets is secondary to the loss of life during such conflicts....


Super-Compounding sounds like a grand concept, right?.  I promise it’s super-simple.  All you need are the 3 steps I’ve laid out below.  When all 3 are used together the result is massively powerful – You will not believe how your wealth will...