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Use it or Lose it

Use it or Lose it

Taxes are one of three major leakages from our wealth – the other two being fees and inflation. Read my piece on how to reduce fees and this one on turning inflation to our advantage. Any time we allow a leakage to persist, we’re actively allowing money...
Investment Intel – in the Community

Investment Intel – in the Community

Investing can be rewarding.  Not just financially, but also intellectually as it makes our brain work differently and stops it getting lazy. Anyone can set-up a Core portfolio – a lazy, set-and-forget exercise!  We can stop there and it will compound passively,...
Here’s how Returns in a Bad Year look …

Here’s how Returns in a Bad Year look …

2023 was supposed to have been a bad year … The narrative consistently scared people off investing (as it always does). Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, is one of the chief scaremongers.  Remember, he has predicted 17 of the last 2 crashes! Now the...
Why you need to own REAL assets – in One Chart …

Why you need to own REAL assets – in One Chart …

The chart below caught my eye this week.   It summarises why you need to own REAL assets (defined below) … It shows that over 30 years, the real value of cash declined by 52%, whilst the real value of stocks appreciated 681%. The chart uses US data (US dollar...
The aha moment that transformed how I invest …

The aha moment that transformed how I invest …

Today I reveal something that will forever transform the way you think about stockmarkets! This will probably blow your mind … 150 years of data reveals that markets have NEVER permanently lost money – always bouncing back to make new gains, whatever has...