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Want to maximise returns on your investments but troubled by risk-assessment and due diligence?


Worse still… frustrated by endlessly thinking about how much you could lose, putting your money into poorly-analysed deals from developers?


And even when you do find a “sure thing”… confused about how it fits within the puzzle of your investment portfolio?




Remove the confusion around investing with a seal of approval you can TRUST.



Hi, I’m Manish Kataria.

I’m a professional investor with over 18 years of experience specialising in both fund management and UK property investment.

Coming from an investment banking background – having managed investment portfolios for JP Morgan and other blue-chip investment houses – I have generated solid returns, even during market downturns.

Within property, I personally invest in and own a range of assets including developments, HMOs, BTLs and serviced accommodations, where I regularly enjoy returns averaging 32%.

After leaving fund management to focus full time on property investment, I noticed a common theme. Due Diligence on real estate opportunities was almost never up to the standards I was used to…

Particularly when investing via Crowdfunding platforms.

So, I designed the 35-point Due Diligence process (which you might have already seen if you’re on our mailing list) and used it to carry out professional-grade Due Diligence on the investments I was interested in.

This led to forming an Investor’s Circle, where I was – and am – the lead investor, meaning I analyse the deals and the rest of the circle follows me into each opportunity.

And this was the foundation for Invest Like A Pro.

If I could analyse and pass on opportunities to people in an Investment Circle… why could I not do the same for others?

The returns we were enjoying were based on our ability to be independent, so of course, they were something we could send to other, independent investors too.


What *actually* makes Invest Like A Pro stand out from other platforms, such as Crowdfunding websites?

Our 3D investment process.

It stands for Due Diligence, Diversify & Deliver.

And it is something that EVERY pro-grade investor does in order to ensure SAFE returns.

#1 – We perform Due Diligence on EVERY developer, project AND security before sending it to you

These days, performing Due Diligence on a single project is NOT enough. We need to thoroughly analyse 3 components of each deal before deciding whether to invest:

1. Developer
2. Project
3. Security

All of these components are included in our extensive, 35 point Due Diligence process.

This is the reason we send LESS than 10% of deals to our clients. If a deal fails even ONE stage out of 3, we would never think of investing in it. And we wouldn’t expect you to, either.

Before we even THINK of working with a developer, we RATE them using our strict and unique 12-factor rating system that generates a developer score on a scale of 1-10.

We take into account their track record, competency, past returns, approach to risk management and competency of their team, amongst other factors.

We ONLY work with developers that have a score of 8 or above… and this is before we look at any of their specific investment opportunities.

In fact, we never begin assessing ANY individual opportunities until we are happy with the developer overall.

This means you don’t have to waste time or energy worrying about who is behind your project and whether they’ll deliver the returns they’ve promised.

Once we’ve done this, we De-Risk EVERY individual investment, using our professional-grade DD process.

ALL the real estate opportunities are independently analysed BEFORE we send them to you, using our unique Due Diligence process.

And just like we selectively work with Developers that have a rating of 8 or above, after carrying out Due Diligence on individual projects we end up rejecting 70-80% of them because they simply don’t meet our standards.

But that’s not all.

We then Stress Test each project to see how it will perform for you in a worst case scenario.

This means the deals you receive are more likely to perform even if things don’t go to plan.

And if they don’t?

You’ll have a security to back you up.

If anything goes wrong – there is a default on the payback of our investment, construction costs shoot up or the entire project is mismanaged and never completed – we as investors have a legal ability to repossess the property.

But this is only the case if the Security has been properly vetted and de-risked… just like the Developer and Project itself.

This is absolutely vital to ensuring that we, as investors, have a way to recover our capital AND further reduces your risk alongside our air-tight Due Diligence process.

No more endlessly going round in circles, trying to work out the *right* criteria to analyse on deals when you have no experience.

No more losing money on “opportunities” which were really just great sales pitches.

No more extortionate fees from IFAs who only recommend products that give THEM commissions!

Just a consistent supply of properly vetted opportunities which work for YOU in YOUR portfolio.

Which leads us on to the 2nd ‘D’ – diversification…

#2 – We show you how to create a Diversified portfolio

It IS POSSIBLE to make returns YOU want, using investments that are reliable, from developers you can trust…

BUT you must make these decisions according to specific criteria and understand WHY you are choosing specific investments.

THEN these investments must be carefully positioned in a portfolio to ensure your risk is adequately managed. Of course, we’ll help you do that too.

By properly splitting your investments across a well-designed portfolio, you are further minimising your risk if one or two do not perform.

We diversify based on several factors such as: the developers themselves, geography and different risk levels to ensure your projects are balanced between high and low risk levels.

This means you ALSO gain the ability to go for a few high risk high return projects (50-60%+!), if your overall performance is covered by well-structured “safe bets”.

So now you’ve invested in great projects, from great developers and have a well-structured portfolio to generate returns according to your goals and personal risk profile.

How do you make sure everything is going to plan?

#3 – Monitoring every project to ensure that it DELIVERS

Whilst we’ve done everything we possibly can to minimise risk in our investments already, unfortunately we can’t just “set and forget” our portfolios!

Things change, markets move and sh*t happens…

Which is why we need to monitor our investments carefully to ensure everything is going as planned.

Fortunately for you, our monitoring process is as stringent as our selection. After we decide to work with a developer and select one of their projects to send you, we set clear targets and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for the project.

Developers then report back to us, and we send you a monthly progress report on each of your investments.

This is KEY to risk-management of your capital and is something you won’t find anywhere else.

So there you have it. Our 3D process that we use to ensure you can generate the returns you want from your capital with as little risk as possible.

Due Diligence.



So… why doesn’t everyone do this?

Well, there are a few common mistakes people make when trying to invest in real estate.

And there are ALSO more than a few misconceptions which stop people investing in the first place.

If you want to Invest Like A Pro and generate the returns Pros make SAFELY… you need to understand AND AVOID these ASAP.

Misconception #1 – Not all developers are created equal… and there ARE in fact reliable and trustworthy ones you can trust

This has to be the biggest stumbling block we see in real estate investment.

And we totally understand.

You’re investing your hard-earned savings into a project that has absolutely no guarantee of performing how its developer *promises* it will.

So… what do you do about this?

Lots of research on them.

There are 4 main areas you can look at when researching a developer and they are:

∙ Track record
∙ Quality & experience of their team
∙ Their approach to risk management
∙ Is it a fair investment for investors

It IS possible to find developers that have consistent track records and deliver what they promise… but you have to know what you’re looking for.

At Invest Like A Pro, we are highly selective and only work with developers who are able to execute on projects.

And how do we know if they can?

Experience, for one.

But more importantly, it is necessary to have a system that weighs up these different factors and gives you an OBJECTIVE answer of whether you should or should not work with them.

And we have been using ours for years to identify the most worthwhile investment opportunities on the market.

One thing you should NEVER do is go on your gut feeling or be swayed by tantalizing marketing!

Which brings us to misconception #2…

Misconception #2 – Due Diligence is less important than Slick Marketing Presentations

Large, well-funded developments often have very persuasive marketing materials.

The problem with these is that they are very persuasive whilst being extremely biased.

We get it.

You want all the things that these sales & marketing presentations are promising you.

The huge returns.

The low risk.

The good news?

These things are ALL possible…

But you must have objective, cold, hard calculations and processes to back these claims up.

And the one place you WILL NOT receive objective, independent and impartial advice is from a developer’s marketing material!

Simply put, at Invest Like A Pro we are completely independent. We are incentivised AGAINST providing biased real estate opportunities because we make our money from YOU MAKING MONEY.

So, whilst you absolutely can have what you want from your investments – high returns, low risk – let us do the calculations and the leg work first, before investing anything.

Misconception #3: The housing market has to go up for us to make money in real estate

Fortunately for us investors, this is not the case.

In fact, we can make money EVEN if the market had a slight fall.

Sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it…

But how does it work?

Smart investors do this all the time by making SECURED loans to fund development projects.

This is how it works.

A property is worth £100,000. A developer is looking for a loan of £75,000 to purchase this property and add value to resell within 12 months, for £140k. The developer puts in the balance of £25k and also their own funds required to refurbish.

As an investor, we are lending £75k for an 8% return from the developer, and also getting first charge security on a property that is worth £100k – meaning we get to decide what happens to the funds once the property is sold.

Now, we don’t care if the market goes up or stays flat. We will still get our 8% return regardless. And the developer will still make a profit given the value he will be adding.

Even if the market was to suffer a mild decline, investors are still likely to be unaffected.

Let’s imagine the market declined by 10% (this is actually a rare occurrence). The property that is our security would decline in value to £90k. But remember, in the meantime, the developer has been refurbishing the property, so its value will actually rise towards the £140k. Given the market decline, this will now be £126k instead.

Whilst the market has declined, we’re still happy. And so is the developer.

Using this knowledge, we can find great opportunities to invest in regardless of market conditions… and because other investors may be over-cautious we can often find even better deals.

Misconception #4: Buy-to-let property is more profitable than investing into a development

Whilst property prices – especially in London – are rapidly increasing for many, so is rent.

This has led many to cling to the fantasy of buying a property and having someone else pay their mortgage whilst their property increases in value.

Sadly, the government has really clamped down on buy-to-let property investment, making it drastically less profitable. In London now, you are lucky to generate any net profit at all.

Here is why:

Additional Stamp Duty

There is now an additional 3% in stamp duty payable for BTL property. This means you pay £10k for a £250k property and £30k for a £500k property.

Tax Changes

Previously, you could offset mortgage interest from your rents to determine your tax payable on profits from your investment property. Now, this interest relief is being phased out if you hold the property in your personal name. This will have a big negative impact for many investors.

Some investors are looking to get around this by buying property in a Ltd company.

However, many people do not realise that Ltd company mortgage rates are higher, and LTVs may be lower.

And, although profits are taxed at the corporation tax rate, you incur additional tax when profits are extracted out of the Ltd company.

Buy to let mortgages now have stricter criteria

This includes a stricter stress-testing of interest rate rises and a requirement for higher rental cover. This results in lower LTVs.

Overall, the government has in recent years made additional property ownership less profitable and more difficult as it seeks to discourage smaller landlords in favour of larger institutional landlords.

So, is there any silver lining to this?

Well, yes.

The government is on your side when it comes to property development investment.

This is because it NEEDS investors to fund the building of new homes to address the massive housing shortage that exists in the UK.

So right now, instead of putting your extra capital into a Buy-to-let property, the smart move is to make your money work for you through choosing the right real estate investments.

Misconception #5 – Once I’ve set everything up right, I can “set and forget it”

Now we understand the common misconceptions that PREVENT people from achieving the returns that they WANT whilst MINIMISING their exposure to risk, we can do the opposite.

In order to get the returns in real estate you want, from developers you trust, you have to do the following:

∙ Due Diligence
∙ De-Risk
∙ Diversify
∙ Monitor your projects proactively

Of course, with any investment there is an element of risk but we’re here to help you balance that against good, safe returns.

If you can do all of the above consistently and ALL your calculations are both objective and correct, you will maximise your chances of being a successful investor in Real Estate.

In fact, this is EXACTLY what you’ll get by joining our Inner Circle…

Our Inner Circle completely removes the confusion around investing in Real Estate.

We’ll send you independently analysed deals that will perform for you, and ALSO show you how to construct your portfolio so that your capital builds over the long-term.

Members of our Premium Inner Circle also receive ongoing coaching to ensure everything is running smoothly – and what to do if it’s not!

Investor’s Circle – Free

  • Access to our 7-part email series explaining the EXACT process we use toanalyse, de-risk and recommend investments, PLUS create a profitable, diversified portfolio that gives you the returns YOU want
  • Access to our Investor’s Checklist – an easy to usespreadsheetthat ensures you don’t forget ANYTHING whenanalysing

    your own investments… if you already have a portfolio, feel free to try it out!

  • Full Example Investment Report – You will seeFULLexample of the opportunities we send to you, including – investment breakdown, developer profile, return projections and risk assessment allorganised

    into one, easy-to-read document

  • Regular educational emails oninvestment relatedtopics – where we think you should be positioned, best sectors to be involved in etc.

Inner Circle – £39/month

  • All of the above PLUS
  • Regular, live, independently-vetted investment opportunities from Tier 1 developers: full analysis of opportunity and risks – both debt and equity opportunities
  • FULL KPI tracking – regular updates on ALL investment opportunities released so far. This is ESSENTIAL to ensure that all opportunities you are invested in are performing as your portfolio needs them to
  • Creation of apersonalisedinvestment strategy and portfolio based on YOUR goals: we will look at the returns you want to achieve and create a structured portfolio that gives you the best chance possible of getting there

Inner Circle Premium – £59/month

  • Everything included in the Inner Circle PLUS
  • Quarterly call with Manish to discuss your investment strategy and make any possible enhancements, review your investment KPIs to ensure your investments are performing as planned PLUS discuss any other investment-related matters
  • Annual strategy and market analysis day with educational workshops and contributions from other investment professionals

Individual Project Due Diligence – Price on Request

We are able to take on a small number of individual project assessments. If you are currently looking at an opportunity and not sure whether everything adds up, this is the perfect service. We can also discuss how it would fit into an existing portfolio.

Click here to contact us about this option.


Q. Does my money go through ILAP ?

A. No. We don’t handle any client money. All investors, including ourselves, will invest directly with the developer. We will ensure that all investor monies are transferred into, and held with, a client account at an independent solicitors firm. We devise strict rules around how and when the developer can access these funds. Normally, investors (or their representatives) would be required to authorise any use of funds.

Q. How does it work?

A. We assess investment opportunities in property developments all the time, the vast majority of which we dismiss because they don’t meet our strict professional-grade DD criteria.

A handful make it through and pass our DD.

We then produce a comprehensive report to detail the investment case, expected returns, major risks, investor exit, alternative exits, financial projections etc. You then read the report and make a decision to invest. Each investment opportunity has its own asset allocation category so you will know if that particular opportunity is right for your own portfolio.

At ILAP, our focus is entirely on the investor which is why we only select the best deals. We invest into most of the opportunities ourselves, so you can be assured that our interests are aligned with all other investors.

Q. Do I have to invest in all the opportunities you send over?

A. Not at all. You are free to pick and choose whichever investments you wish to. We will send over reports of opportunities that pass our strict criteria and this report will contain all relevant information including expected returns, major risks, appropriate DD and financial information. You can read this through and decide not to invest – we won’t be offended!

Q. What do I get for my subscription?

A. Both subscription options given you access to regular, live investment opportunities as well as a balanced portfolio that helps make your investments safer.

Our Premium option includes a quarterly call with Manish to assess your investments and your overall strategy, alongside an annual strategy and market analysis day where you will receive talks and information from industry professionals.

Q. Am I tied in to the service?

A. No, there is no minimum contract. You can leave anytime without any tie-in.

Q: Where are the investment opportunities sourced from?

A. A combination of private networks and selected crowdfunding platforms. Regardless of the source, all our developers and projects go through the same rigorous professional-grade DD process.

Q. What is the minimum amounts that can be invested?

A. For opportunities that come about through our private networks, the minimum amount typically starts from £10k. Investments on crowdfunding platforms usually have a smaller minimum investment starting from £100.
